I noticed something yesterday as we went under bridge after bridge (not as bad as Fort Lauderdale area). All the bridges have a big sign SLOW WAKE. Not a single bridge had a sign LOWER YOUR ANTENNA. Last night we stayed in Savanah at the City dock on the Savanah River (because it was free)We were right down town in the historic riverfront area and were able to walk the whole area. The large commercial ships make huge wakes and we rocked alot but the worst part was the loud music from the cars parading down the road. That stopped at 11:00 though. There were lots of things floating down the river and a log got jammed under our portside swim platform. By morning, it worked it’s way free. We stopped for fuel at Isle of Hope Marina before heading to Beaufort SC. today. We had lunch at Hearth Wood Fired Pizza. Best pizza outside Sable Rock in the BVI. Beufort is a small town but nice Southern charm. 9‘ tides, 13mph wind and 5 mph current made docking a bit of a challenge. So tonight we are back on the hook at a little side channel off the ICW by Wadmalaw Is. BTW, Pete asked about the scenery. If I never see another stretch of salt grass again, it will be too soon.